Resource Abstract

Vapor Pressure Modeling of Cold Weather Modifications for Bakken Surface Facilities

Date Published: 10/15/2018

Resource Abstract

This brief presents a subset of research and subsequent findings from the larger surface facility vapor pressure modeling effort under BPOP. It specifically focuses on the modeling of two members’ surface facilities and the effects of cold weather on crude oil vapor pressure. While low ambient temperatures are not the only factors that cause vapor pressures to exceed state- and midstream operator-imposed limits, they have a clear impact. The well sites modeled were a multiwell, multitank facility with higher throughput and a multiwell, single-tank facility with low throughput. The models were used to plot predicted vapor pressure at a 4:1 expansion ratio at a range of tank flash temperatures. The effects of insulating piping and tanks as well as adding various sized heaters on the resulting vapor pressures were also modeled to aid in the closing recommendations.

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